Petals Dropping, Seeds Ripening


Seeking inspiration today I found it in this sunflower. Some may see it as all used up – petals lost, growth complete, all done, and so sad. But deep inside are seeds preparing for their journey to become something new again. The possibility of new life is within each seed and one sunflower can have 2,000 seeds! So. Much. Potential. Continue reading

The Dandelion Knows


Do you have trouble letting go of things? Are you having trouble letting go of the insane political climate? Letting go of choices you made long ago? Do you remember something you wish you’d done differently or at least wonder, what if?

Dandelions totally get it. A perfectly adorable yellow flower turns into a seed pod that has no intention of holding on to those hundreds of seeds. It knows how to let go.

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The Potato Peeling Lesson

We never do anything well till we cease to think about the manner of doing it.” – William Hazlitt

This applies to every single thing we do. Riding a bike, playing the piano, sports, running, horseback riding, making love (do I have your attention?) and pretty much anything else we do. It even applies to making the bed (see yesterday’s post) and peeling potatoes. Continue reading

Unmade Bed

unmade bed

Sometimes I don’t make the bed. I don’t see the point in making it pretty every darned day for literally no one to see. Many days I don’t even see it myself until I pull the covers down to climb back into it.

Man I miss this bedroom. It’s my old bedroom from my last house and it was spacious, soothing, quiet, with just the right amount of natural light coming in. I am reminded by this picture of many years where my hubby traveled and I slept alone in this big bed. Making it was simple – pull up the covers on my side and walk away. Continue reading

The Real Deal

Purple Iris

This flower is the real deal. It’s not fake or even filtered. I took the picture in my front yard a couple years ago. Beautiful purple iris does make me question how something could be so perfect in nature. I don’t care how many folks might scream, FAKE! This flower is the real deal. Continue reading